ZLC Ministry Scheduler Link
We are now offering an add-on to our popular ZLC Ministry Scheduler that will automatically keep your Ministers' information up-to-date without any double-entry. You simply maintain correct records in one place: your membership registry program, then use our LINK program to automatically bring all of the updates into the Ministry Scheduler.
This eliminates both the labor and the errors of trying to maintain two separate sets of data on the same people. Just as many of our users found it far simpler and faster and more accurate to initially import the ministers' information rather than type it into the Ministry Scheduler, the new link program gives you that same advantage as an on-going benefit. Over the long run it will save you a lot of effort, making a difficult task quite easy.
The design and operation is very simple. You periodically extract all of the ministers’ records from your parish registry system into a spreadsheet file (there are many ways to do this). Then our LINK program will bring into the ZLC MINISTRY SCHEDULER any new and/or changed data. When you set up the LINK system you tell it which data elements you want updated, and which not to update (any that you want to maintain separately from the registry). You also tell it whether you want new ministers added and whether you want missing ministers deactivated in ZMS.
The LINK also gives you a detailed synopsis of all it did in the last link process completed: every addition, deactivation, and the before and after of every change.
Nothing in the registry is ever altered or changed; it is only read, plus you have complete control over the updating process. You can see from the following screens how easy the system is both to set up and to run.
The Main Screen:
The Setup Screen:
Windows 98/NT/XP: 40 MB disk space; 100 MB RAM
The price for the ZLC Ministry Scheduler Link is $250, plus $125 for the recommended ASCS -- Annual Support Contract.
We welcome any feedback on our products and our website.
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