Frequently asked questions about ZLC Ministry Scheduler
I get the following error message during CREATE (should get no
messages at all):
a. "No matching XX found..." Usually doesn't happen with current versions, especially since adding the data checks. Have them download the current version. Go into PEOPLE--DETAILS and return through exit door to see if any data checks are failed. Also go into SETUP and exit through its exit door.
b. "…would create duplicate key…" Generally means something is damaged, or else that the system is confused -- perhaps because they are running CREATE for a period that already has a schedule (They should DELETE ALL SERVICES IN DATE RANGE before re-running CREATE for a period).
c. "Field too short for data…" Usually means that they have created a Ministry Type that is too long. The max allowed is about 30 characters (but the table in SETUP allows a longer one).
"No available ministers found for this service…" Not an error message, but rather is a warning of an unexpected condition. Can go into CHANGE--MORE DETAILS, locate that mass, and go into its MINISTERS (answer YES to both questions). Then go into VIEW AVAILABLE MINISTERS and see who systems sees as available - if any. Note that this list should show all signed up for this mass-time, with check-boxes for those no available for this particular date due to a Maximum or a Not-Available-Date.Return to SUPPORT TOPICS for the ZLC Ministry Scheduler.
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