Frequently asked questions about ZLC Ministry Scheduler
2. The Registration Code does not work.
a. 99% of the time just need to check the level they are running (have them read to you the version at the lower left of the Main Menu -- on the blue bar), and then walk them through the registration screen: click on CLEAR DATE button
enter church name - as on paper, even if misspelled
check UNLIMITED MINISTERS (unless --100 level)
enter the code -- without the dashes
neither name nor code are case-sensitive
b. Can look up their registration in the Registration Log file, to see how they were originally registered. Can test it -- see c. below.
c. Can send them a new registration sheet -- but only after verifying with Accounting which level they purchased. It is easy to test the registration before sending it, by opening the appropriate level and entering their church name, reg. Code, etc. on the REGISTER WITH ZLC screen.
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